
For locally owned businesses of the entire Morongo Basin AKA Joshua Tree Gateway   to inform the public about local products, services and events. Creating a strong and resilient local economy begins by patronizing local businesses.

The Joshua Tree Gateway Communities, on the Northern border of Joshua Tree National Park in California, consist of Morongo Valley, the Town of Yucca Valley, the Village of Joshua Tree, the City of Twentynine Palms, Pioneertown, Wonder Valley, Landers, Homestead Valley, Yucca Mesa, Flamingo Heights and Johnson Valley.

As often as possible there will be postings of interviews with local business owners to let the community know who they are, what they offer and why they choose to be here.

To be featured on this site please answer these questions in full sentences and with some depth-

Who are you?
What is your business? Describe products and/or services.
Where is it located?
When are you open/doing business?
Why did you choose to live here?
Why did you start your business here? 
How long have you been in business?
Anything else you want to share, fun stories, or?
Your contact information.
Email your info and a photo or three of you at your business, doing your services and/or of your business to be included with the story.

submit to: shoplocaljoshuatree@gmail.com


Download a locally produced informational flyer:


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• Your local businesses give back more to the community.
• More of your dollars stay in the community.
• More jobs stay in the community.

• You can find anything you need locally.
• You develop relationships locally.
• You can find affordable prices in our community.

• For every $1 spent at local businesses, 45¢ is reinvested locally. Non-local purchases keep, at most, 15¢ in your local community.
• Local businesses value, respect and appreciate your patronage.
• More tax dollars go to schools and roads in your community.

Join the movement! Take the pledge to show your support: "I pledge to THINK first of my local economy, SHOP first at my local businesses, and BUY first from local companies who give back so much, in so many ways, to my community."

"Think, shop, buy local" From http://thinkshopbuylocal.com/